Bitternut Cracker; Your Souvenir from Lampung

It has been widely known that Lampung is one of the center of traditional entrepreneurship areas. The culinary business is mushrooming everywhere with its own uniqueness and of deliciousness. One of the most favorite foods in Lampung is bitternut cracker. Bitternut (Gnetum gnemon Linn.) is a kind of tropical nut that can be easily found in tropical area like Indonesia, Malaysia and other South-east Asian countries. To make a bitternut cracker, we need to have a ripe bitternut. Usually, the ripe bitternut is a red one. You need to peel the skin so that you can separate the nut from its outer skin. After that, the nuts will be roasted on frying pan. The nuts will not be barely roasted, it should be mixed with sands so that the nuts are cooked evenly. When it has been cooked, the outer shell of the nuts should be peeled out so that the meat of bitternut is gotten. The nut meats should be hit until the the form of nut becomes flat like crackers. 

                                                   Melinjo or bitternut (Gnetum gnemon Linn.)

The next step is that the flatted nuts should be dried up on sunlight. It takes 2-3 days (normally without rain) for the flatted nuts to be ready to be packed. The dried flatted bitternuts then can be fried and ready to be packed and sold. Bitternut crackers are usually sold on small packs and the price is usually about Rp.2000,00-Rp.3.500,00 for each pack (the weight of each pack is not more than 2 ounces). If you travel to Lampung, you can use bitternut crackers to be your souvenir. You can buy them in Kalianda (South of Lampung, the traitional market is still selling this cracker), Pesawaran region (Munca village), and many more.

The worker flats the cooked bitternut

Bitternut crackers

If you ask me about the taste, of course it is so crunchy an crispy!   
