am pretty sure most of you here never heard that the upper side of coconut stem
which is still young and is still soft can be processed to be a delicious food.
Even if you ask almost all Indonesians, they will answer “never heard” for
that, except for Lampungnese. Yups, the upper side of coconut tree can be
processed as a delicious food, people in Lampung (especially the Lampungnese)
call it as “Gulai Gabing” or in English it is translated as “Gabing curry”. Actually,
in my hometown it is commonly called as “Kabing” rather than “Gabing”.
is Gabing curry served? Gabing is taken out from the coconut trees, they chop
the soft or smooth meat of Gabing into a small pieces like rectangle. After that,
the spices are processed to later be combined with Gabing. The spices are
chili, salt, coconut milk, onion, garlic, sugar, ginger, candle nut, lemon
grass and many other local spices. The cooking process will probably take time
for 1-2 hours.

Choosing Gabing should be selective because not all coconut trees have a good Gabing type. Moreover, you also need more than 1 or 2 coconut trees to make Gabing curry for all guests and it makes the coconut trees to be cut down should be many. So, if we are looking on that fact, it is normal that Gabing curry is only served for special events.
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