Danau Ranau; An Exotic Lake in West Lampung

Danau Ranau (Ranau lake) is one of the most famous tourism spots in Lampung province. It is located on the adjacent of West Lampung Regency (Lampung province) and South of Ogan Komering Ulu (South Sumatra province). The landscape or the view of this lake is like paradise; it is surrounded by Seminung mount (1.881 m or 6.171 feet) and accompanied by beautiful small island namely as Marisa Island. Many tourists have visited this lake to spend their holiday. The lake surface is 125.9 km² and it is averagely 174 m depth.  The overall view is still so natural and the air is still fresh, it will spoil your eyes for many hours and it’s absolutely suitable to spend your holiday here. You can enjoy many facilities around Danau Ranau such as hotels and public building that is also rented for the guests.

To reach Danau Ranau, if you come from Jakarta, you need to take flight from Jakarta to Bandar Lampung (Soeharno-Hatta airport to Beranti airport, Natar). After you arrive at Bandar Lampung, you can reserve for a tour to Danau Ranau via travel agents in Bandar Lampung, the costs are varied.
There are many lodgings in Danau Ranau, one of the best lodgings is PT.Pusri public building (Wisma PT.Pusri). This is a good lodging after all. It provides many qualified facilities such as rooms for the guests, cottages, and boats that you can use to turn around Danau Ranau. The price per night in Wisma PT.Pusri is IDR 250.000 (2 persons). 

If you want to rent the cottage, you need to spend IDR 440.000. For boat, it will cost you IDR 300.000. Another facilities that you can enjoy is that there is a water boom in Danau Ranau. You only need to pay for IDR 50.000 for the adult and IDR 30.000 for the children.
